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Регистрация: 22.6.2024

22.6.2024, 5:07

Martindale stated that in 2019 with the Baltimore Ravens the group started 2-2 and "the world was coming to an end" and also the Ravens then won 14 in a using Kayvon ThibodeauxWe have yapped regarding the use of Kayvon Thibodeaux, that gets on pass to drop into coverage from his side defender placement 125 times this season. He was in coverage 71 ties a season was asked straight on Friday if Thibodeaux needed to rush even more as well as cover less." He gets transformed loose as sometimes as we need to turn him loose, " Martindale claimed. "If you desire to simply hurry 4 and play coverage the whole video game as well as have me show up right here and claim this man didn't play well as well as this guy really did not play well' that's not me." We are a defense that keeps offenses guessing. We understand just how to attack securities ссылка, and also we're gon na do it the best method we can do it to influence the quarterback. That involves Kayvon, yet it entails him sometimes going down, sometimes hurrying." Martindale claimed "I think we're mosting likely to be simply fine with Kayvon." Martindale stated he is "constantly" seeking even more production from Thibodeaux and also that he can improve with things like his hand work and also completing to the quarterback." There is no panic [with Thibodeaux Exists problem? No. I just assume he's an excellent football player as well as it's mosting likely to function out. You recognize, I really do, " Martindale of turnoversMartindale claimed "naturally" it is a concern that the defense has yet to require a turnover." You constantly intend to obtain the round passed on, " Martindale claimed. "Turn overs, interceptions, fumble recuperations, they come in numbers. Just how they are available in lots is getting back to what I said before in just how you impact the quarterback as well as how you go take on the running back with search and all 11 people there. I believe they'll come."

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